Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Another cat grooming convert

Here is another testimonial from a happy cat grooming client. Josh was very apprehensive about bringing Bumble in for a groom as she is a very timid cat. Bumble was fantastic for her first groom and really seemed to love the whole process, which you can see from the videos below. Bumble now comes in every 8 weeks for regular maintenance of her coat.  She always looks amazing after her grooms!

"Having cat groomed regularly is important for their health and general well being. Problems with matting, ears, eyes, skin and parasites are some of the conditions that we are presented with on a frequent basis and can often be improved through regular grooming.

My own cat was developing a greasy thick coat that she was spending large amounts of time grooming. Although she lets me brush her it was not enough to keep up with the large amounts of hair she was grooming out.

I took her to Nose 2 Tail for a full grooming. My initial worries that she would be stressed were quickly relieved when I saw the abilities the team at Nose 2 Tail had and how relaxed she was during the process (she is normally is very skittish and does not like “new” experiences but she sat calmly through a bath groom and blow-dry).

What was more amazing was afterwards. She was more confident and spent more time playing, less time grooming and was even more affectionate. It was easy to see how much more comfortable she was. She now goes in for her sessions to maintain her coat.

Short, medium and long-haired cats can all benefit both physically and mentally from being groomed regularly.

At Greencross Jindalee Veterinary Clinic we have our own pets (dogs and cats) groomed by the incredibly professional and skilled team at Nose 2 Tail and have seen the amazing results in how they look and feel and recommend their service with confidence. "

Dr. Joshua Llinas BVSc (Hons), MVS (Clinical Med & Surgery), BSc (Hons)

Bumble Before
Bumble After

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