Sunday, March 4, 2012

Free Puppy and Kitten Grooms

At Nose 2 Tail Pet Care, we are committed to providing the best care we can to any dogs and cats in our care. We want to make things as stress free and enjoyable as possible for your furry friends. 

Dogs and cats who have been groomed regularly from a young age become used to the grooming process and handle it much better than those who only have sporadic grooming.

Because of this, we offer an initial free puppy and kitten groom for long and short coated dogs and cats AND 50% off any full priced baths until 6 months of age.

We want to make your puppy/kitten's life of grooming a fun one that they are used to from an early age.

Please take advantage of this offer and please share with anyone you know who has a puppy or kitten!

Contact us at our store in Mount Ommaney on 3376 9917 to make your appointment today.

What is so important about establishing a grooming routine from a young age?
Puppies and kittens get to experience the sights, smells and sounds of a grooming salon. It can be a scary place to be for a young puppy or kitten, so getting them used to it can help them see a trip to the groomers as fun, not frightening!

They get used to being bathed and blow dried, their nails being cut, brushing and combing and having a groomer touch them all over.
This is something they are going to experience many times during their lives and getting them used to it from a young age means a much better chance of stress free, calm grooming in the future.

There is a crucial window of opportunity for experiences for both puppies and kittens, that help to shape responses to these experiences later in life. Allowing your puppy or kitten the opportunity for grooming when they are young, helps them accept the process as something normal and non threatening.

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